Our then beloved Commandant, had tried his best to run a canteen similar to military canteen and for that he had taken lots of pain but due to some administrative and operational reason that canteen was failed and we have lost some of our principal amount which we have collected from the member of our organisation. But we have learned lot from that failure.
In this highly inflation era where the cost of groceries has increased many fold the need of a canteen similar to defense canteen will be a real help for everybody. As MHA has started a canteen which is similar to the CSD canteen of defense forces and named it Central Police canteen(CPP) and initial this canteen was only for Central Para military personnel but now they have extended this canteen facility to all the police personnel of India vide order no 27011/75/2011-R&W dated 18 Nov 2011. So we may peruse the case for opening a CPC at Kavaratti and Silvassa and if needed the cooperation of Local police at Silvassa and Kavaratti may also be taken. This my view if you feel similar please give your comments.
In this highly inflation era where the cost of groceries has increased many fold the need of a canteen similar to defense canteen will be a real help for everybody. As MHA has started a canteen which is similar to the CSD canteen of defense forces and named it Central Police canteen(CPP) and initial this canteen was only for Central Para military personnel but now they have extended this canteen facility to all the police personnel of India vide order no 27011/75/2011-R&W dated 18 Nov 2011. So we may peruse the case for opening a CPC at Kavaratti and Silvassa and if needed the cooperation of Local police at Silvassa and Kavaratti may also be taken. This my view if you feel similar please give your comments.
1 comment:
It will be very helpful. The fund can be utilise from the profit of our welfare fund
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