Friday, 29 April 2016

IRBN Change of Command

On 28 Apr 2016 , Shri Ghanshyam Bansal,IPS has taken over the command of India Reserve Battalion, Lakshdweep Daman & Diu and Dadar Nagar Haveli.

On reaching at IRBN HQ a Guard of Honour was presented by the IRBN troops at Quarter Guard.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

1/3rd Posting order 2016-17 issued

The well-awaited order for 1/3rd native posting order is issued on 1 Mar 2016 beside That office order for transferring some PSI and ASI is also issued. The transfer of ASIs was well due to these small islands where 2 officers were posted therefore ASIs are posted out to the island where no officer are there.

PSI?ASI transfer order is with immediate effect where the 1/3rd posting order will be effected from 25 Mar 2016 and must be completed before 10 Apr 2016.

Friday, 26 February 2016

Working hours for IRBn in UT of DD &DNH is defined.

The Competent authority has given approval on the based order. no 6/39/98/Per/398 dated 29 Apr 2011 and the office of India Reserve Battalion Daman & Diu and DNH is non-public dealing office hence it will follow 5 days a week means Monday to Friday and   office and timing will be:
  • 0930hrs to 1330 hrs(Morning session)
  • 1330 hrs to 1400 hrs (lunch break)
  • 1400 hrs to 1800 hrs(After Noon Session)
      The main benefit of implementation of this order will be now Battalion personnel posted in UTs of Daman & Diu can avail Sat & Sun as prefix and suffix while proceeding on leave and this order also cleared the confusion regarding non public office or public dealing office. 
Office timing of  IRBn DDDNH

Monday, 1 February 2016

Issue of Ration under NFSA to various Institution of Lakshadweep

After Implementation of National Food Security Act(NFSA) in UT of Lakshadweep, the issuance of ration is totally regulated through digital ration card. The food grains is issued to only those person who are holding digital ration card.
As this is a very good idea to stop the illegal food pilferage  but digital ration card is issued  only to the individuals therefore some institutions which serve food to their employees or students have raised their concerned to Lakshadweep Administration to their inability to draw ration from ICS and therefore they are facing problem. These problem was raised by OICs of IRBn too so after taking a sympathic view the Lakshadweep Administration has decided to issued rice to these institutions on availability basis with following conditions:
 The grains may be provided if and only if grains are available in buffer stock.
  • The beneficiaries department will have no automatic right over allocated food grains. the availability will subjected to the clause 1 and on demand basis.
  • The issue of the food grain will be as per order of preference in the list.
  • The price of the food grain(rice) so sold will be Rs. 33.50/kg
The Island wise  preference list is as under:
NFSA- Islandwise List of prefrece for rice
Preference list

Bumper Recruitment Drive for IRBn Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli

The Commandant IRBn HQ Kavaratti has invited application from local of Lakshadweep and wards of Lakshadweep Administration employees to fill the various post through direct recruitment. The Details of  recruitment notification/vacancies are as under;

Date of Notification: 01 Feb 2016
Last date of Application : 03 Mar 2016 at 1800 hrs
Click here for Notification & Application
The Application can also be downloaded from official web site of Lakshadweep Administration.
Name of post
Name of Service
No of Vacancy
Scale of Pay
Reserve for department candidates.
General Central Service Group ”B”
(Non-Gazzetted, Non Ministerial)
General Central Service Group ”C”
(Non-Gazzetted, Non Ministerial)
69post + 09 anticipatory vacancy
General Central Service Group ”C”
(Non-Gazzetted, Non Ministerial)
Applicants are  required to download the application and notification to know the eligibility  before filling the application and also not the last date of application is 03 Mar 2016 at 1800 hrs and if 03 March 2016 happened to be holiday the next working day will be last date.


Wednesday, 20 January 2016

IR Battalion Doctor's visit programe for UT of Lakshadweep fixed:New.

A circular dated 30 Oct 2015 has been issued for deciding the visit plan of IRBn Doctor. As per the circular nowadays Battalion personnel proceeding on leave and becoming OSL and coming very medical documents. This causes a serious concern as many of them are diagnosed  with serious deceased and there is only one doctor so to monitor the  health condition of the Bn personnel it is decided that the Bn doctor  to visit the unit in the following manner:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday    : Mota Randha.
Tuesday & Thursday                     : Silvassa
Saturday                                          :  Daman
Three consecutive days in a month Diu and one week in six months at Lakshadweep Component.

Detail order can be view here

IRBn Change of Commandand:New

Smt. Benita Mary Jaiker, IPS(AGMU:2010) has been appointed as Commandant IR Battalion, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. She replaced Smt. Esha Pandey who proceeded on long leave. Smt. Benita Mary Jaiker belongs to AGMU cadre of 2010(UT:2010). She assumed the charge wef. 02 Jul 2015(FN)before joining Lakshadweep she was at Delhi holding some of the very important posts.The detailed order can be view from here

IR Battalion Income Tax Return Details:New

A circular has been issued by IR Battalion HQ Kavaratti to all the personnel of IR Battalion to submit their  income details. In circular all the officer in charges are directed to ensure that all the staff deployed under their command must submit the income detail form on or before 15 Jan 2016. The Detail circular can be read here.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Circular for Leave Regulrisation:New

       It was reported that individuals who are returning from leave are not submitting the regularisation application and some cases they are taking very log time to submit their application. To warn them to improve their behaviour HQ Kavaratti has issued a very sterned circular and fixed a time within which regularisation request has to be submitted.

Monday, 18 January 2016

New Rule for Attachment from one UT to another.

In few months, it  saw that more IRBn personnel are submitting their request for attachment from one unit to another unit on very  reasons and in some case, they are also bringing influences from senior officers or politicians.

To tame this ongoing tendency the battalion, headquarter decided to extinguish this tendency from bud, a detailed circular has been issued for all the personnel of IRBn.

This circular is very clearly said that if anyone requesting for attachment on any ground and if an attachment is granted, then he has to remain that many days or month to his posted unit for completing his tenure posting. But this circular is not applicable if anybody temporarily attached or posted on administrative reason/public interest will not come under this category.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

7th Pay Commission: Calculate your Annual increment

As per the 7th Pay Commission's report, the rate of annual increment is remained to be unchanged i.e 3% per annum. But 7th Pay Commission recommended Pay matrix base so your annual increment may not be exact 3% but it will be little up and down to match the pay matrix. 

As per 6th pay commission recommendation an employee is getting his increment 3% of the total of  pay band plus  grade pay in every year on 1 Jul.
But here an employee may get little more or less of 3% as pay has to move one step up in pay matrix. As in Pay Matrix,  next level of pay is calculated  in such way that it is 3% higher in next level.
Pay matrix

Suppose an employee  drawing, salary is Rs.20500  in level 2nd index 3 then after increment his salary will move one index up and his salary will  Rs.21100.

As per commission recommendation the minimum six months service required for becoming eligible for an increment. Like private sector tried to make the increment with performance related.  The commission in its report said that:

"‘….There is a widespread perception that increments as well as upward movement in the hierarchy happens as a matter of course. The perception is that grant of MACP, although subject to the employee attaining the laid down threshold of performance, is taken for granted.
This Commission believes that employees who do not meet the laid down performance criterion should not be allowed to earn future annual increments. The Commission is therefore proposing withholding of annual increments in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the benchmark either for MACP or a regular promotion within the first 20 years of their service.
This will act as a deterrent for complacent and inefficient employees. However, since this is not a penalty, the norms for penal action in disciplinary cases involving withholding increments will not be applicable in such cases. This will be treated as an “efficiency bar”. Additionally, for such employees, there could be an option to leave service on similar terms and conditions as prescribed for voluntary retirement”.

Monday, 11 January 2016

Retirement age recommendation by 7th CPC

On many occasion, Government clearly reiterated that they are not going to enhance the retirement age Government employee, but 7th CPC with divided view has recommended  enhancement of  the retirement age of four CPMF i.e. CRPF, BSF, ITBP and SSB  from 57 years to 60 from constabulary to Commandant Rank official to bring the parity with other CPMF like Assam Rifles and CISF. 

However this is not a consensus recommendation so now we need to wait whether the government is agreeing or not with the retirement age enhancement recommendation of 7th CPC but 7th CPC has given its recommendation to enhance the retirement age of CRPF, BSF, ITBP, SSB and Coast Guard from 57 years to 60 years.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Know you payment after Implementation of 7th Pay Commission report

Which ever unit I visit the sub officers and Jawans ask only one question with greate cruosity that on implementation of 7 CPC what will be their finam payment.   So to answer their  quiry I visit many site and read out the report submitted by 7th CPC and come to understad that it is very easy to calculate the final payment on the basis of 7th CPC recommedation.  
The simple formula is, suppose your Grade pay is Rs. 2400 and pay in pay band is Rs 7400, then your final payment n implementation of 7th CPC will be calculated as under steps
 Add your Grade pay and pay band pay i.e Rs 2400 + Rs 7400=Rs.9800

Now multiply the total outcome of step one with the 7th CPC fitment i.e 2.57
 Rs. 9800 x 2.57=Rs. 25186

 Now search this amount in the below given matrix table in your Grade pay coloumn in this case Rs.2400 coloumn Rs 25186  or above nearest  of Rs 25186 will be your payment.

In above matrix table Rs 25186 is not there and above neares amount is Rs.25500 so the final salary on implementation of 7th CPC will be 25500.