Tuesday, 29 December 2015

IRBn Amini unit

Amini  is a small island of the union territory of Lakshadweep. It is a small but very  beautiful island with dense population. The people of the island are peace loving but politically very active. To assist the local police and local administration in maintaining the law & order  an unit ofIRBn is setup which is presently function from a makeshift building. The unit is having sufficient numbers of staff which are capable of meeting
the requirement of local administration, in general, policing of the island.
Camp office.
The Camp office is having two portions, one is used as the office and another as the resident of Camp Commander and other officers posted in the unit. The IRBn staff, local police and local administration works in very cordial relation and all the staffs are very happy about their day to day activities and timely welfare ensure taken by in charge. Beside general police IRBn also actively participate in other events organised by local administration.

Participating in Swakchh Bharat Abhiyan organised by Amini Administration.

An evening view of Amini Island