Thursday, 19 September 2013

Monday, 16 September 2013

Extension of CGHS facilities to permanently disabled dependent brother of a CGHS beneficiary - reg.

Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare ,Department of Health & Family Welfare has extended the CGHS facilities to permanently disable dependent brother of a CGHS beneficiary and in this regard ministry has issued a formal order on 25 Jul 2013, order is appended below:

Government of India 
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 
Department of Health & Family Welfare 
Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road 
New Delhi 110 108

No. S 11011/13/2012-CGHS (P)
Dated the 25th July, 2013

Sub: Extension of CGHS facilities to permanently disabled dependent brother of a CGHS beneficiary - reg.

The undersigned is directed to state that dependent brother of a Central Government employee is presently entitled for CGHS coverage upto the age of becoming a major. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has been receiving requests from CGHS beneficiaries for removal of the upper age-limit in the case of disabled dependent brother so as to provide them the CGHS facilities without any age limit as has been provided to disabled son of a CGHS beneficiary.

2. Accordingly, with a view to assuage the hardship, it has been decided to extend the CGHS facilities to permanently disabled dependent brother of a CGHS beneficiary, without any age-limit.

3. For availing CGHS facilities under this provision, the permanently disabled dependent brother of a CGHS beneficiary must be suffering from any one or more of the disabilities as defined in Section 2(i) of 'The persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 (No.1 of 19.96)' which includes:- 
(i) Blindness 
(ii) Low-vision
(iii) Leprosy-cuked 
(iv) Hearing impairment
(v) Loco motor disability 
(vi) Mental retardation 
(vii) Mental illness 
and as per Clause (j) of Section 2 of National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999 (No.44 of 1999), which presently covers a person suffering from any of the condition relating to autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation or a combination of any two or more of such conditions and includes a person suffering from severe multiple disability. It is clarified that 'permanent disability' means a person with 40% or more of one or more disabilities.

4. The eligibility criteria for a permanently disabled dependent brother to avail medical facilities under CGHS will be as under:-

a. He must be wholly dependent on the principal CGHS card holder beneficiary. 

b. He should be unmarried and should not have his own family. 

c. The income limit for deciding dependency shall be as prescribed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare from time to time and as applicable in CGHS for the time being in force. 

d. He must be ordinarily residing with the primary CGHS cardholder beneficiary. 

e. All the above conditions are required to be fulfilled for availing CGHS facilities. The CGHS facilities will cease to exist with immediate effect if any one of the above conditions is violated. 

5. This office memorandum will be effective from the date of issue. 

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India 


Friday, 6 September 2013


Most of my Bn personnel want to know the rule provision about EOL and increament so I am placing the order issued by DOPT

No. 16/2/2009-Estt.(Pay I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, the 2nd July 2010


Subject: Regulation of the Date of Next Increment in case of Extra-Ordinary leave (without medical certificate) after implementation of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 – clarification regarding.


      Consequent upon the implementation of CCS(RP) Rules 2008, the increments in the revised pay structure are to be regulated in terms of Rule 10 of the CCS (RP) Rules 2008.This rule states that ‘there will be a uniform date of annual increment viz. 1st of July every year. Employees completing 6 months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st July will be eligible to be granted the increment.”

2.       The issue of regulation of date of next increment in case of EOL (without medical certificate) after implementation of CCS(RP) Rules 2008, has been examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure.

3.       It is clarified that except as provided under the conditions laid down in this Department’s OM dated 18.2.1986, qualifying service of less than six months on account of EOL (without medical certificate) between 1st July of the previous year till 30th June of the year under consideration shall have the effect of postponing the increment to 1st July of the next year. The same stipulation will also be applicable to those cases where the increment became due on 1.7.2006. In terms of this Department’s O.M. No. 13017/20/85-Estt. (L) dated 18.2.1986, EOL granted for the following purposes automatically counts as qualifying service for pension and for increments without any further sanctions:-

      (i) EOL granted due to inability of a Government servant to join or rejoin duty on account of civil commotion.

      (ii) EOL granted to a Government servant for prosecuting higher technical and scientific studies.

4.       Hindi version will follow.

(Rita Mathur).
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Monday, 2 September 2013

Origin of Dearness allowances to Government Employee!

Dearness Allowance is compensatory part of wages. In India, DA is being paid since the Second World War. During the War, DA became payable at various rates. It became payable as a result of different costs of living in different cities not known to each other.
Originally, it was the textile industry in Bombay which introduced DA scheme firstly under the bipartite settlement and subsequently they took the shape of arbitration, adjudication and finally, after knocking at the doors of industrial courts, got into awards, which is how in India DA scheme started.
In other parts of the world too DA was paid depending upon the rise in the cost of consumer goods prices. Within 5-10 years, the system of DA became a common system throughout the world but the basic principles remained the same.
In most parts of the world, though not everywhere, common platform DA became payable though not on the same rates.
Ultimately, the question of  DA became a subject-matter of the Supreme Court. The court initially laid down general principles for fixation of DA grant and the link with cost of living index.
Slowly and gradually, Supreme Court gave effect to DA in terms of rise in the cost of living, higher prices and higher cost of living. This gave rise in the whole country for Consumer Price Index which is linked with rise in index in different cities in the country.
Bombay was found to be the most expensive city in the country and sometimes even in the world. It moves from time to time and so the atmosphere with it.  At different times, each sphere had different price level which is recorded regularly on price index. Each price index is differently numbered  and differently marked in each state.
In our country, this price index as Bombay Price Index, Delhi Price Index, Kolkata Price Index, Ahmadabad Price Index etc., and prices of each number in each city are differently made and known. This is preliminary of DA.
The issue of DA has gone much ahead and now it is paid according to the standard of each city in the country. With passing of time and cost of living going up, working class life became more and more miserable as a result of which every wage fixing authority had to view its point to the phenomenon and fortunately in our country the Government which is the biggest and model employer had to take cognizance of this fact and went on appointing pay commissions one after another after a lapse of  five to  7 years and each pay commission gave thorough consideration to the problem of Dearness Allowance.